We take certain postures and movements without being aware of them; they are not previously planned, but simply done unconsciously. These movements can tell a lot about your personality, and in this article we shall concentrate on the positions of your fisted hand which can reveal many aspects of your personality like your communication towards others and your attitude towardslife.
The Way You Close Your Fist Tells a Lot About Your Hidden Personality!
We will show you this simple test which is not a time-consuming, all you have to do is to close your fist hand and by seeing the position of your fingers you can reveal the character of a person and his way of communication.
We commonly fist our hands when we are stressed, annoyed, frustrated or due to some other reason or situation in which we are. It is a normal thing which can portray someone’s character and even the things that we try to hide.
Close your hand and then observe it very carefully, and see the images in order to compare them with your fist. This is what each position of hand fistingmeans:

Hand Fisting Postures

  1. Fisting your hand with the thumb over your fingers
This is the way how other people perceive you:
You are a person with high self-esteem; you have a charisma and talent. Additionally you are afriendly person and people easily gain your trust. You are an attentive and flexible person which is trying to be right in any situation.
What is your true character?
You are very sensitive and heartfelt person, however in some occasions; fear can be imposed on you thus preventing you from doing many things. Namely, you live in a constant fear that someone can hurt you.You have high expectations, which are not a good thing when they are not fulfilled, therefore try not to expect a lot. Your true happiness comes from the esteem and affection of the people you love. This feeling is enhanced when the people you need them are there for you, and the other way around, you appreciate this reciprocity a lot.
How do you fall in love?
Leaving the past behindis almost impossible for you; you cannot free yourself even from the memories that hurt you. You are very much afraid to open your heart to love and enjoy all its benefits as you are living in the fear that you may experience failure or that someone can break your heart.
  1. Fisting your hand with all fingers above the thumb
This is the way how other people perceive you:
You are a creative person which consecutively means a very intelligent. People consider you as an artistic person who has the feeling and the artist’s fabric. Likewise, they think that you are very smart and prudent. The way how do you feel affects everyone, and as well as your enthusiasm and your availability. Your daily life is consisted of harmony and tranquility. Yet, in some cases your actions may be considered as the ones of a lunatic.
What is your true character?
You are a free soul that pursues your own dreams, and very sociable person. However, no matter how sympathetic and sociable you are with other persons you still want to be surrounded with few people who are true and loyal friends. Further on, you are a quiet and kind person who prefers to stay quiet in order not to hurt anyone.
How do you fall in love?
You do not like plays in the love game, instead you are a fan of a quiet relationship where you can show your true self and in that way feel free and relaxed. You like relaxed and comfortable situations and do not prefer any dramas.You are a compassionate person that does not like to hurt anyone and because of that you tend to stay in relationships longer than you are supposed to just not to cause pain to the person who is with you, and you also do not like when someone hurts you. You forget and forgive very quickly, a feature that only a few people have.
  1. Fisting your hand with the thumb up to index
This is the way how other people perceive you:
You are a person with strong intuition and imagination. You are enthusiastic, but only when you are interested in something you like. Additionally you are a very generous and collaborative person, but sometimes you can become insecure. You show curiosity by thoroughly exploring things without leaving any doubts, and at the same timebeing impatient and persistent, but still pursuing your interests. You are a person with a great sense of humor, which is not left unnoticed and because of that people like to be in your surroundings. You are a leader and people like to listen to you.
What is your true character?
Honesty is very important for you and you very much appreciate this human virtue. As a result of that youare gentle and respectful person who shows great nobility and goodness to other people. There are many people out there who would like to take an advantage of that, fortunately you have developed a strong  sixth sense and can easily identify who really appreciates you and who cares for you.
How do you fall in love?
You are an introvert person having difficulties to express your feelings. It is not that you are not trying it, but it is simply the way you are. Love and love affairs are very important for you, but you do not put them at first place, your dreams come first, however somewhere in the background you dream of a person who will truly love you.
You can see that a simple gesture can tell a lot about a person. Did you recognize yourself in these fist postures, if you have and found it intriguing share this post with your friends and loved ones and by doing so you can make interesting comparisons.
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